Research | Education | Social change
December 2018-TBD 2023
Grand-Erie Study
This project comprised Dr. Ho-Tassone's PhD research. To ensure full transparency and access to information for community partners, all research materials, reports, and copies of/links to other dissemination can be found below. Aside from the featured items (which are listed in reverse chronological order), study documents and other Items are organized in two ways: first, reverse chronologically according to their year, and then listed within each year in chronological order.
Listen to Song for the Water, produced by Logan Staats, Rob
Lamothe, Suzie Miller, and about 200 community members
as part of a partnered project (Great Art for Great Lakes) -
read more (including lyrics) or download for free here!
This research was part of the nationwide Global Water Futures research initiative at University of Waterloo (Lake Futures group). Global Water Futures was funded by the Canada First Research Excellence Fund in partnership with participating institutions. The research was also supported by the University of Waterloo.
Featured outcomes 2021-2023

Knowledge co-creation through Indigenous arts: Diversity in freshwater quality monitoring and management
A discussion and focus on Indigenizing water quality science and the processes used to engage with community. We use a case study from the PhD research (Indigenous youth arts) to exemplify our discussion and recommendations. This paper is viewable for free.
In press March 16, 2023
Published TBD 2023
View special issue here.

Collaborative watershed analysis: A ‘groupthink’ assessment of cumulative effects
Expanded upon since the dissertation, we consider an approach (developed during the PhD research) to bring Indigenous and Western knowledge approaches together to assess cumulative effects in water quality. This paper is viewable for free.
In press December 1, 2022
Published TBD 2023
View special issue here.

Final dissertation
The final dissertation accepted by the PhD committee, revised after a July 2021 defense. The document can be downloaded at the UWspace repository using the linked image above.
October 1, 2021

Study Document
Summary of results: Indicator workshop​
A summary of findings from the December 7, 2020 workshop (held virtually) in which scientists and others discussed how to measure cumulative effects of nutrients on Cladophora/algae in the study area.
January 4, 2021

Study Document
Summary of results: Key informant interviews​
A summary of findings from interviews with water managers, scientists, researchers and other practitioners/experts in 2019. This information formed the foundation of this study.
January 4, 2021
News feature
A brief discussion on treaties, building relationships, reciprocity​, diverse perspectives, and guiding principles. The Conversation is an innovative reserach-news outlet that reports on verified information and publishes vetted authors only. Read the article here.
March 18, 2021

Comparison of freshwater monitoring approaches: strengths, opportunities, and recommendations
A presentation to the Southern Ontario Stream Monitoring and Research Team (SOSMART), formerly known as the Lake Ontario Modeling Team (LOMT). This presentation focuses on one part of the Grand-Erie Study, which was published in a paper in 2020.
March 23, 2021
Web feature
Reconceptualizing water quality monitoring
Results from interviews with water quality monitoring practiioners in Ontario are summarized in this online feature by Water Canada. "Broad reconciliation and a culture shift towards holistic thinking are needed to unite diverse persons for knowledge co-creation and sharing. Integrating monitoring and sustainability may help us overcome longstanding limitations or challenges regarding capacity, coordination, and linkages with management/decisions, and may enable a new vision of collaborative and equitable water stewardship."
May 3, 2021
I hosted a virtual table to discuss the Grand Expressions virtual art exhibit at the Virtual Water Gallery social event – part of the Global Water Futures Annual Open Science Meeting. This presentation was offered as an introduction to the pieces and a catalyst for discussion.
May 18, 2021
Community-based, cumulative effects monitoring through decolonization
As Canada moves towards a mandate for reconciliation with Indigenous communities, ignoring the challenge of bringing together different ways of knowing is no longer acceptable. This poster discusses reserach co-created by local practitioners and Indigenous persons. Download the poster by clicking the title or image above. The audio presentation of the poster is below (open the PDF poster linked above to see what the audio is referring to). A transcript of the audio file is here.
May 19, 2021
Cumulative effects monitoring in the Grand River and Lake Erie
This presentation was delivered as part of IAGLR 2021's concurrent sessions. The session title is Analysis of cumulative impacts on the environment. Watch the ​presentation above and download the slides here.
May 19, 2021

Study Document

Summary report (private) - Canadian Water Resources Association Workshop report​
Report ​summarizing the talks, activities and discussions at the May 26, 2019 conference workshop (CWRA National Conference - Collingwood, ON).
January 18, 2020

Study Document
Grand Expressions Self-guided (virtual) Tour​ (v3)
Artwork and stories by Indigenous youth from Six Nations of the Grand River. Themed around their individual and traditional relationships with water.​
Version 1: April 9, 2020
Version 2: August 3, 2020
Version 3: October 20, 2020
Web feature
Grand Expressions self-guided tour
University of Waterloo Water Institute features the Grand Expressions exhibit project on their website news.
April 15, 2020
A presentation to the Environmental Studies Association of Canada (CONGRESS 2020) ​on collaborative research and knowledge creation.
June 1, 2020
Web feature
A story featured by the Courtenay Lab (Dr. Simon Courtenay), School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability, University of Waterloo.​
August 19, 2020
THEMUSEUM in Kitchener is hosting the Grand Expressions virtual exhibit until the end of January 2021. ​ Click the image above to read the website description, or click here to read our related blog post.
August 25, 2020
Web feature
Featured by the Water Institute
The Water Institute​ promotes our presence at THEMUSEUM in its news feed.
August 31, 2020

Comparison of freshwater monitoring approaches: strengths, opportunities, and recommendations
Strengths and weaknesses from nine water monitoring programs or frameworks are reviewed based on 22 criteria.​ Opportunities for improving monitoring and five recommendations are discussed. This paper is viewable for free.
September 1, 2020
A new approach and lessons learned: how co-creation, shared spaces, and diversity can improve water monitoring design
Part of the Lake Futures Webinar Series, Elaine presents the draft monitoring framework as well as lessons learned and challenges overcome in the co-creation process. Click the video above to watch the webinar, or download the presentation slides here. In addition, a one-page summary of the presentation can be accessed here.
September 16, 2020
E-news feature

Featured by Global Water Futures
The Global Water Futures ​initiative involves over 400 researchers (in addition to their networks) across Canada in the largest university-led water research initiative in history. Grand Expressions was featured in their September e-news.
September 2, 2020
Web feature

Featured by University of Waterloo
Our research was highlighted on the University of Waterloo homepage banner (frontline). We were the first thing people saw when they went to the university's website!​
September 18, 2020

Study Document
Pre-workshop materials - framework breakdown
Part of the mandatory review package for participants of the ​October 5 end user workshop.
September 22, 2020

Study Document
Pre-workshop materials - historical treaties backgrounder
Part of the mandatory review package for participants of the ​October 5 end user workshop.
September 22, 2020

Study Document
Pre-workshop materials - information and agenda
Part of the mandatory review package for participants of the ​October 5 end user workshop.
September 22, 2020
Presentation slides used during the October 5 end user workshop.​
October 5, 2020
Magazine feature
Featured by the Canadian Water Resources Association
The CWRA publishes a feature story on Grand Expressions in the Fall 2020 edition of Water News. The full issue is available to members only - register here.
October 16, 2020

Study Document
Summary of results: End user workshop​
A summary of findings from the October 5, 2020 workshop (held virtually) in which potential end users reviewed and contributed to the redesign of the proposed monitoring framework.
October 20, 2020
Magazine feature
Building new ways to improve the diversity of community water management. We highlight various aspects of this study and describe three approaches to consider for ensuring water management is meaningful to its diverse communities. Download the full issue here.
November 4, 2020
8th Annual Research and Conservation conference slides​
Slides presented at the virtual conference hosted by Long Point Biosphere Reserve Foundation.​
November 6, 2020
Riversymposium conference slides​
Slides presented at the first ever Virtual International Riversymposium.​
November 10, 2020

Study Document
Workshop Information Letter​
Workshop details provided to all participants of the indicators workshop​.
November 11, 2020

Study Document
Workshop Preparatory Contributions​
Pre-workshop activity provided to all participants of the indicators workshop​.
November 11, 2020
Featured by Canadian Rivers Institute: Does research matter to those we study?
A blog post on the Canadian Rivers Institute website that highlights recent collaborative work and discusses a responsibility of researchers to demand action for those communities they study.​
November 25, 2020

Study Document
Workshop Information Package​
Agenda and other information provided to all participants of the indicators workshop​.
December 4, 2020

Study Document
Criteria-based ranking process undertaken by participants during the indicators workshop​.
December 4, 2020
Monitoring in the Grand-Erie Interface: a framework in consideration of cumulative effects
Results of the ​monitoring review completed in November 2018 (improved and completed August 2019) as well as a review of exploratory results. Presented at the Global Water Futures Annual Science Meeting at University of Saskatchewan.
May 16, 2019
Meaningful engagement and equity considerations in co-created research and action
Panel presentation for the Canadian Association for the Study of International Development at at the Congress 2019​ conference. Presentation highlighted some challenges of academia for equitable research relationships, detailed lessons from multiple projects, and raised some guiding questions.
June 6, 2019
Monitoring in the Grand-Erie Interface: a framework in consideration of cumulative effects
Summarizing past results and future endeavors. Presented to water managers at the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA)/Global Water Futures water managers meeting, at the GRCA Headquarters.
October 9, 2019
Connecting water monitoring and management in the lower Grand River and nearshore Lake Erie​
Presentation to the Water, Wastewater and Compliance group at Haldimand County. I introduced my research ​to the group and discussed Haldimand's interest in participating in the co-creation and potential implementation of the final water monitoring framework.
October 25, 2019
Rethinking the framework: consideration of cumulative effects in (bio)monitoring in the lower Grand River and nearshore Lake Erie
Presentation to the Grand River Fisheries Management Plan Implementation Committee. The goal was to introduce the research to the Committee and discuss possibilities for the research to contribute to the Committee's current activities and decisions. Also, consultation on the direction of the research occurred.
May 2, 2018
Comparative review of freshwater monitoring approaches towards consideration of cumulative effects.
Early outcomes of the initial​monitoring review completed in November 2018 (improved and completed August 2019). Presented at McMaster University World Water Week conference.
November 20, 2018
Comparative review of freshwater monitoring approaches towards consideration of cumulative effects.
Early outcomes of the initial​monitoring review completed in November 2018 (improved and completed August 2019). Presented at the Global Water Futures stakeholder meeting at University of Waterloo.
December 5, 2018